Saturday, April 28, 2007

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

YES. Told you we could do it! hahaha. but not Gold with Honours.

Oh well.

There's always the next one. :D

The 2006 seniors are really proud of us! :D

Yes yes. but we must not be so complacent and slack. ahahhaa.

we can do it! :D

congrats everyone. great job (:

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Well, this is it! One more day to SYF. Well, actually, half a day more till SYF. :S

All the other performing arts so far have clinched Golds. whoa. let's be among them, but with HONOURS!


It might seem impossible, but really, it's not. :D Just do our best, and let God do the rest! :D


Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Happy Belated 15th Birthday to Claire Chong!

Here's a picture for easy referencing. (hahaha. i hope you don't mind Claire)